Funke Akindele’s movie ‘A Tribe Called Judah’ rakes in £80,000 at UK Box Office

Nigerian actor and producer, Funke Akindele
Nigerian actor and producer, Funke Akindele

Funke Akindele’s record-breaking movie, A Tribe Called Judah has grossed over £80,000 in the UK cinemas.

FilmOne Entertainment, the movie’s official distributor in Nigeria disclosed the numbers which it garnered from its earnings in five cinema locations in the United Kingdom in over four weeks, online news portal “” reported.

According to the Cinemas Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN), as of February 1, 2024, A Tribe Called Judah had grossed ₦1,384,315,042 (1,003,628.41 USD ) in Nigeria.

Cultural triumph: Beyond numbers

The success of A Tribe Called Judah isn’t merely about numbers. It’s a profound testament to the potency of storytelling, cultural pride, and the indomitable spirit of Nollywood. FilmOne Entertainment, the film’s distributor, celebrates it as a “cultural gem,” emphasizing the significance of this achievement in the rich tapestry of Nigerian cinema.

Nollywood’s power shift: Surpassing Hollywood hits

A Tribe Called Judah is poised to surpass Hollywood hits in Nigerian theaters, challenging the dominance of acclaimed films like Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. The film’s distributor credits the achievement to the unwavering commitment of Funke Akindele producer and co- director of the movie, stating that her dedication to storytelling has carved an influential chapter in Nigerian cinema.

Funke Akindele: A trailblazing director

As the visionary behind A Tribe Called Judah, Funke Akindele emerges as a trailblazing director, not only breaking box office records but also captivating audiences with a narrative rooted in cultural identity. The film’s theme, revolving around five brothers , Jide Kene Achufusi as Emeka Judah, Timini Egbuson as Pere Judah, Uzee Usman as Adamu Judah, Tobi Makinde as Shina Judah, and Olumide Oworu as Ejiro Judah, who must unite to rob a company to save their mother, played by Funke Akindele as Jedidah Judah.

Storytelling with Purpose: Akindele’s tribute to her mother

Akindele’s inspiration for A Tribe Called Judah stems from a personal place – a tribute to her late mother. The film not only entertains but also delves into the complexities of family, financial hardships, and the resilience of the human spirit.

This emotional connection adds layers to the storytelling, making it a memorable cinematic experience.

A Tribe Called Judah receives accolades from both critics and fans alike. With high ratings on movie review platforms, the film proves its mettle beyond the box office. The blend of a compelling narrative, cultural authenticity, and Akindele’s directorial finesse elevates it to a level where it competes with global cinematic standards.